A Brief Guide to the Prayer Book and Lectionaries
A healthy dose of Holy Scripture is part of every Episcopal worship service. Thomas Cranmer, the great Archbishop of Canterbury who oversaw the compiling of the first Book of Common Prayer in 16th century England, believed people weren’t hearing enough from the Bible during weekly mass. He stressed the importance of Morning and Evening prayer, calling on all people, and especially priests, to find time several times each day to read the Bible and pray to our loving God. If you don’t have a copy of The Book of Common Prayer, you can read it online. In the back, you’ll see two lectionaries, or schedules of readings: A three-year cycle for Eucharistic services (the readings we use in church) and a two-year cycle, covering almost all of the Bible, called the Daily Office.
Online resources for both lectionaries can be found at:
The Lectionary Page —
The Online Daily Office:
The Daily Office includes readings, prayers, music — everything needed for personal worship except the worshiper’s loving, open, contrite heart. Some people bookmark this page at home and work and use it every day.

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You are warmly and joyfully invited to worship and fellowship, and join the St. John’s community, where all are welcome!
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The people of St. John’s are called to follow God in Christ through love, worship, and service in a nurturing, open, and affirming community where all are welcome. We promote lifelong spiritual growth and education through our church and Episcopal School. We serve those in need by sharing our abundance. In faith and our tradition of common prayer, we gather to celebrate and thank our loving God.
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Faith and Thanksgiving
You are warmly and joyfully invited to worship and fellowship, and join the St. John’s community, where all are welcome!
Upcoming Events
- Multiple DatesSunday 8am Morning ServiceSun, Feb 16St. John's Episcopal Church
- Tue, Mar 04St. John's Multi Purpose Room
Upcoming Events

Wherever you are on your journey of faith and life, you are welcome to join us at St. John’s!
Sunday 8:00 am and 10:00 am
Childcare and Sunday School are available at the Sunday, 10 am service.
30382 Via Con Dios
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
PHONE: 949-888-4595

“There is a poetry to the worship and I love the beauty of it.”

Inspired by Christ and empowered by the Spirit, the people of St. John’s:
Love God
Love our neighbors… ALL of them
Gather and grow together as a spiritual, educational, and inclusive community
Rely on scripture, embrace tradition, and practice prayerful reflection
Exercise responsible stewardship of God’s gifts and resources